Kids Paintball – 5 safety tips for your child

Last updated on October 15th, 2023

paintball safety tips for kids

As paintball becomes more and more popular, parents are asking themselves if it is safe for their children to play paintball. Our answer is Yes – paintball can be a fun and safe activity for kids if you take proper safety precautions. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips that will help keep your child safe while playing paintball. Follow these tips and you can rest assured that your child will have a great time playing paintball!

Tip 1: Make sure your child is wearing the proper safety gear

The first step to keeping your child safe while playing paintball is making sure they are wearing the proper safety gear. This includes a good quality paintball mask to protect the face, chest protector and padded shorts or pants. It is also important to make sure that the gear fits properly so that it provides adequate protection. Ensure the use of a good quality Mask lens, that’s specially designed for paintball. Moreover, teach your child to never use a cracked lens, in case there’s a crack, make sure to replace it in time.

Tip 2: Use Low impact paintball

One of the best ways to reduce any possible injuries for kids is to use low impact paintballs which are designed for firing paintballs at a low a speed thus reduces the pain or any injuries. So, try using lighter pellets (0.50 caliber) having lesser mass and circumference, half the size of regular 0.68 caliber pellet and thus reducing the impact by half.

Low impact paintball size comparison
A low impact paintball (0.50 caliber) – Image Source –
low impact paintball safer for kids
Low Impact paintball – Img source –

Tip 3: Teach them basics of paintball safety.

It is important to teach your child the basics of paintball safety before they start playing. This includes understanding the importance of wearing proper safety gear, not pointing markers at other players and not shooting the paintball in someone’s face.

Tip 4: No paintballs left in the hopper for long periods of time.

Paintballs left in a hopper for too long will deteriorate and become unsafe to use. Therefore, it is important to make sure you don’t left any paintballs in a hopper for long periods of time. Hence, avoid using paintballs that have been exposed to water or other liquids as they might be unsafe to use.

Tip 5: Be aware of their surroundings at all times

Make sure your child is aware of their surroundings at all times in the battle ground. This will not only improve their focus, help them stay safe from any shots but will also help them succeed in the game.

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About Alex Gaudin

Alex is a passionate paintball player and writer. He has years of tournament experience and is an author on this blog where he shares tips, gear reviews, and tournament recaps. Alex's in-depth knowledge and love for paintball shines through in his writing. He enjoys teaching new players when he's not competing.