Mask Fogging – Tips to reduce Lens Fog

Last updated on October 15th, 2023

Tips to reduce Paintball Lens fogg

Fog screwed up my game” – Many of us could relate to this sentence, when you were surrounded but you couldn’t see anything due to Mask fogging and you ended up losing the game. In this guideline I will discuss some tips on how to remove the fog from the paintball mask, to help scale up your game.

Let’s Start!

1. Invest in Lens!

Honestly, If you have played paintball more than once, you have played enough to get yourself a dual-pane anti fogging Thermal Mask, which is affordable.

The first best investment in paintball is to get yourself a dual-pane Thermal lens. They can keep you from fogging especially when you’re deep breathing. Dual pane lens have an extra layer that will just disperse all the fog. So if you’re getting your own mask, Make sure to get a thermal lens.

How to clean fog from Mask
Dual pane lens – ANSgearPaintball

2. Wear a Head Band:

One of our team members used to sweat a lot that would go straight into the lens and fogging up blocked the view eventually. Using a headband made a huge improvement. So try wearing a light headband to keep your sweating going into the lens and causing fog.

3. Use a Visor:

It’s super important to have a Visor! Visors will keep the rain or the sun rays off your eyes.  We have been using a few universal visors for the last 8 years and we never looked back. The thing about universal visors is that they would fit with any mask.

Don’t tape the mask on your forehead. Otherwise you will end up having that issue of not letting the moisture come out. So Visor is a must in your bag whenever you go paintballing. You could also go for mini visors like the one in bunkering CMDs, but we have found full visors to be a lot more useful. You can leave it on the whole time if you want, to avoid the hassle of taking it off and putting it back, especially during rainy or sunny weather.

4. Weather (Rain – Sunny)

Prefer a yellow or a clear lens for raining or low light. A brighter colour like yellow just brightens up better in dark and fog and helps you see better. Our second preference is amber lenses. So prefer yellow, clear or amber respectively for an intense weather day.

5. Don’t Cover Mask Vent:

Clean fog from Vent of Paintball mask

Do not cover up the Mask Vents: If you look closely (below image), masks have these vents that people usually cover up. These vents are supposed to ventilate up all the heat and breathing droplets in order to keep the lens clear. Make sure not to cover that up with any Shemagh, beanie or hoodie or otherwise you will end up fogging your lens.

Pro Tip: The right way to wear a mask with beanie is to first put on your beanie then wear your mask over it.

6. Install a Fan

Install a fan and mount it into or onto the mask, another reason why we love JT Flex. There are still some universal fan options available in the market that go easily with any mask. Avoid any solutions like suba types, especially on a dual pane lens, if you don’t wanna damage your lens. Except from the ones that are tested.

7. Wearing Prescription glasses ?  

 Like most of us, if you’re wearing prescription glasses make sure to get a specialised mask that fits those glasses well. One of our teammates is using a JT Proflex and V-Force Profiler mask and the prescription glasses fit really well with them. Therefore, if you wear prescription glasses, make sure to get a mask that has compatibility with the Prescription glasses.

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About Alex Gaudin

Alex is a passionate paintball player and writer. He has years of tournament experience and is an author on this blog where he shares tips, gear reviews, and tournament recaps. Alex's in-depth knowledge and love for paintball shines through in his writing. He enjoys teaching new players when he's not competing.