First day at paintball – What to wear guide

Last updated on October 15th, 2023

Paintball attire what to wear on first day of paintball

New to Paintball ? What to wear on First day of Paintball ? Paintball is played with all kinds of specialised equipment like markers, air tanks and masks. When you’re just getting started, the thought of what to wear on first day of paintball can be overwhelming.

Good news, If you’re playing paintball for the first time, you don’t need to purchase any of the expensive paintball equipment. Yep, You heard that right! The field usually has everything you need to have a great time. Nowadays, great rental options are available for walk-on Players. 

From our years of experience, we have compiled some simple tips about how to gear up for paintball the first time.

Dress for the weather 

Don’t wear something that is too hot, sweaty or too cold. For instance, if you’re playing in cold weather, wear something with layers that is easy to take off, in case you get too sweaty. For example wearing an old hoodie, which you don’t mind getting dirty, is ideal in cold weather. Avoid wearing shorts or anything where your legs are exposed to thorns, sharp rocks and dirt. Similarly, you may want to wear long sleeves. Also, We recommend not to wear jeans as they do not have enough mobility.

Clothes (Dark – less expensive)

You may wanna wear darker clothes on the battle ground. Darker clothes get as dirty but they show it less. The paint is usually washable however, it’s the grass and dirt stains that last. Hence, wear dark clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. So you could enjoy the game to its fullest without worrying about your precious clothes getting dirty. Most of the fields offer jumpsuits to cover your clothes. You can ask them in advance, in case you’re too concerned about the clothes.

Cover the Neck!

Cover your neck! Getting popped in the neck will stink and pretty much ruin your day. You don’t need to go and buy anything special to cover your neck. A scarf or an ascot will just do fine.


The most important paintball equipment! When you’re renting a mask, try to get a dual pane anti-fogging thermal lens. This will keep your vision clear by keeping off all the fog. Once you plan to continue playing paintball, We would highly recommend getting your on thermal lens.
Remember, NEVER take off your mask on the field. You will be get whistled at by Referee and possible be ejected for the day. Apart from that, the paintball speed is nearly 200 MPH, so you don’t wanna hurt your eyes.


Although shoes vary according to the field, you may wanna wear something that fits well and can help you run around comfortably. Usually trail runners, cleats, hiking boots and running shoes work fine. You don’t need to wear combat boots on your first day at paintball unless you’re trained to wear and run in them. Again, the most important thing is to wear something comfortable for uneven terrain. This is very important, we have seen beginners wearing sandals, casual shoes which in some cases resulted in concussions from tripping.


Glove is a good paintball accessory as getting shot on the knuckle can sting. Again, you want something that you’re comfortable wearing yet fits well. Remember not to wear a thick winter glove as you need to hold the marker and squeeze the trigger easily.

Extra cloth and bag

Make sure to keep extra clothes with you, that you could wear on your way back home. Moreover, bring an extra plastic bag so you could put your dirty clothes on the way back.

Camouflage Necessary ? 

Camouflage won’t give you any huge advantage if you’re playing for the first time. Although camouflage certainly works, you don’t need to spend money on expensive camouflage just to play for the first time.

Is paintball washable?

The answer is “Yes”. Most of the paint from the paintballs these days is water-soluble and generally pretty easy to clean off. 

Tips for First day at paintball 

  • It’s not going to hurt as much as you think. It does hurt a bit, but not that hard. With the adrenaline hype you will not notice any pain unless upon getting bunkered. Most first timers just develop a fear inside their head and that keeps them from having fun. Just clear your mind. Your performance level went up once you get over your fear.
  • Don’t try too hard to fit in, Players will know you’re playing for the first time, doesn’t matter how much you look apart. Everyone on the field is usually kind towards beginners, so don’t be hostile toward other players. Just relax and try to have fun as much as you can.
  • If you are under 18, your parents would probably need to sign a waiver. If they are dropping you to the field, make sure they stay until you get signed in. This requirement varies according to field, some may need you to sign it at the spot while others may let you download the online form and bring a signed version with you.
  • Bring cash, in case the field doesn’t accept credit cards. Moreover, during the adrenaline rush, you will be shooting hundreds of paintball. So you may have to purchase extra paintballs. Hence, It’s always a good idea to bring some extra cash. Most of the fields serve drinks and foods too that you might need. Be prepared to spend some cash on rental fee, extra paint, etc.
  • Bring lots of water, especially if you are dressed for summers. Staying hydrated will keep you from the cramps, that may happen otherwise.
  • Just Remember, Don’t be scared, keep moving up, plenty of water and above all, Have fun!

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About Alex Gaudin

Alex is a passionate paintball player and writer. He has years of tournament experience and is an author on this blog where he shares tips, gear reviews, and tournament recaps. Alex's in-depth knowledge and love for paintball shines through in his writing. He enjoys teaching new players when he's not competing.